Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ciri-Ciri Wanita Yang Diidamkan Oleh Lelaki

1) Bersopan santun
Wanita yang lemah lembut dan bersopan santun akan membuatkan lelaki cair melihat setiap pergerakan dan percakapan anda.

2) Pandai Memasak
Yang ni adalah ciri-ciri yang paling penting sekali yang patut ada pada wanita. Wanita yang pandai memasak mampu menguruskan rumah tangga dengan lebih baik. Lelaki juga lebih tertarik dengan wanita yang pandai memasak ni.

3) Pembersih
Wanita yang pembersih ni menjadi kegilaan setiap lelaki yang kurang pembersih. Ini kerana, semua kerja dirumah akan diuruskan oleh anda tanpa dipaksa oleh si suami.

4) Taat
Wanita perlulah taat dan tidak melawan setiap percakapan lelaki. Ada kalanya melawan itu penting jika si jejaka mempelawanya untuk melakukan perkara yang tidak senonoh dan terlarang.

5) Bersifat keibuan
Secara jujur, lelaki lebih gemar pada wanita yang mempunyai sifat keibuan. Sebagai contohnya, suka pada baby dan kanak-kanak, suka memujuk kanak-kanak menangis, dan sebagainya. Kenapa? sejuk hati seorang lelaki bila melihat anda peka terhadap alam rumahtangga walaupun anda belum berumahtangga. Dan itu merupakan salah satu bonus buat anda yang bersifat keibuan.

6) Jadi pendengar setia dan bukan menjadi pembangkang
Lelaki juga tidak pernah lari daripada masalah. Masalah yang dihadapi biasanya akan dikongsi bersama dengan orang yang tersayang dengan harapan sedikit sebanyak dapat mengurangkan beban yang dialami. Jika anda ingin tunjukkan rasa simpati dan ambil berat anda, bagi peluang untuk dia bercakap dan meluahkan perasaan dia. Jangan sesekali anda bangkang mereka. Itu hanya memburukkan keadaan. Jika anda tidak speendapat dengannya, jangan terus membangkang. Lelaki perlu dipuji dahulu beberapa kali sebelum anda bangkang.

7) Jadi seorang yang berdikari dan tidak mudah putus asa
Lelaki lebih gemar seorang wanita yang kuat semangat dan tidak bergantung pada lelaki. Kadang-kadang sesetengah wanita terlampau manja untuk meminta pertolongan lelaki sedangkan perkara itu mampu mereka lakukan sendiri. Pada awalnya,mungkin lelaki akan tahan kerana cinta, namun jika ia berlarutan, lelaki itu akan merasa rimas yang terlampau dan merasakan wanita itu gedik dan ambil kesempatan. Jadi, wanita boleh meminta tolong lelaki jika betul-betul tidak mampu dan bukannya untuk mengambil kesempatan.

8) Sentiasa berterus terang dan tidak hipokrit.
Sama seperti wanita, lelaki juga suka wanita yang terus terang dan tidak hipokrit. Jangan terlampau sempurna di hadapan lelaki semata-mata untuk menutup kelemahan anda. Lelaki mencintai anda seadanya dan boleh menerima kelemahan anda. Sentiasa berterus terang tentang sikap anda yang sebenar. Hal ini lebih disenangi lelaki.

Sumber: Ciri-Ciri Wanita Yang Jadi Idaman Lelaki |

Monday, March 26, 2012


1. True Love... Love is the greatest gift God ever gave man. Love is not wanting to go anywhere without her. Love is not caring what other people think about the two of you. Love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with her. You feel like your life has no meaning or purpose without her. And that if she wasn't holding your hand you would float away to heaven from where she came. Love is caring for her physically and emotionally. It's telling her everyday, anytime, anywhere, anyhow, for no just reason that you love her. Love is telling her u want to spend the rest of your life with her. Love is wanting to marry her even tho ya'll haven't been dating that long. That you would do anything and everything for her. It's the feeling that you would give up everything just to see her smile or look into her beautiful eyes or hear her soft, soothing voice. Love is pure happiness. Love is the feeling you get when all you have to do is think of her and it brings a smile to your face and a yourning to your heart. Love is not being able to think about nothing but her. Love is having the sweetest dreams about her and waking up with a smile on ur face. Love is an overwelming feeling of pure bliss when the 2 of u kiss. Love is wanting to hold her in ur arms till the end of time. Love is wishing ur time with her never ends, that your lips would be locked together forever, that she'd be in ur arms till the end of time, that u could cuddle with her for all of eternity.

2. True Love...The feeling when you just want someone to be with you no matter what position or feeling you may have. You may be exes and no matter what you/they say or do you know you'll end up loving them in the end. When you know that whenever you see them and your stomach fills up with butterflies. When you just think about them and smile immediately appears on your face. When you think about them night and day. When you would do absolutely anything to make them happy and healthy. When you know that there's someone else in their life that makes them happy, and you'd be willing to let them go to be with that someone.

"All my life I've waited this is true." -Ryan Cabrera

"I know he's my true love, I can't help but think about him. He makes me happy, he makes me sad, he makes me feel like shit. There's no one in this universe that I'd want to spend the rest of my years with. What I have for him will outlast time, I know it. I'm madly in love with him, and there's nothing that's going to change it."

3. True Love...It only happens once in a lifetime but is the most wonderous thing to ever happen. When your eyes first meet you know deep within your heart that they are the perfect match for you. It is a mutual feeling. Athough there may be bumps along the way, true love always wins in the end. True love is also respecting your mate....not putting sexual pressure on them. It is the type of love that still lasts even if your mate loses thier legs or suffers terrible burns. It lives on no matter what. True love also is fidelity,honesty, honor and respect. It is where the male follows a code of chivlary, meaning a respect for womesn, and the woman honors her husband. Apart they are two but together they are one. True love is not based on looks and there is no feeling of lust. If someone has true love they will wait untill the bonds of marriage to have sex. They are unselfish and care more about thier partner then for themselves.

4. True love is selfless, it's honest, it's bold. when a couple experience true love one will sacrifice for the others gain. Both of them accept challenges with the knowledge that both will do their best to make it through for each other and for themselves. true love never dies, once it lives it may go dormant, but it never leaves. Your heart has a memory for true love, it simmers in it when it's found. true love doesn't mean you obsess over them, doesn't mean you can't live without them. True love means that the two of you can be on the opposite sides of the world for three years and still know that every single day you're thinking about each other, and love each other. true love is being able to sit ten feet away from each other and still feel all their love as if they had their arms around you. true love is gratitude, true love is gentle, true love survives.

I am celebrating my LOVE...
So what does 'true love' means to you....? just share your tots...

Monday, March 5, 2012

10 Fun and Different Ways to Celebrate your Anniversary

No 1: Return To The Location Of Your First Day
This doesn’t require much other explanation.  Returning to the spot where you first had a romantic moment together celebrates everything that has happened since.

No 2: Start A Memory Album
You can go purchase an album, and add a few pictures… some from this anniversary, some from previous anniversaries, if you have them.  The anniversary pictures are just to get you started… add to it every week, and it will bring you closer all year.

Read More...Next

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tips untuk menjadi wanita cantik ala islami

1. Ambillah Air Wudu'
2. Rajin Melakukan Shalat Malam
3. Baca Qur'an Setelah Shalat Lima Waktu
4. Murah Senyuman
5. Hati / Qalbu Yang Bening

" Ya Tuhan, Jadikan wanita yang membaca ini menjadi wanita yang cantik, kuat, sabar, sihat & disayangi banyak orang. Tolong tingkatkan kehidupannya. Begitupun jika dia melangkah, selamatkan dia." Amin...  :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Cantik Ala Islami

Kecantikan bukan karena indahnya gaun yang dipakai, juga bukan karena mahalnya kosmetik yang membalut wajah. Kesemuanya itu hanyalah kecantikan yang bermuara kepada syahwat belaka dan bersifat sementara. Cantik hakiki dan  abadi adalah perilaku yang menunjukkan bahwa ia adalah muslimah sejati yang dirindukan oleh Syurga.

Berbahagialah Wanita ketika kecantikannya bukan sekedar menghiasi wajahnya, tapi keistimewaan hatinya mampu menghiasi hati orang lain dengan akhlaknya yang menawan. Karena Sesungguhnya kecantikan fisik pasti akan menurun seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Tetapi kecantikan yang tumbuh dari muslimah sejati itulah yang akan dikenang oleh orang sekarang dan masa depan. Sesungguhnya wanita seperti itulah yang dijuluki sebagai wanita syurga yang kemuliaannya melebihi beribu – ribu bidadari  penghias syurga.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gaun Muslimah

Menarik kan? Sesuai utk anak-anak perempuan kita. Nampak sangat sopan. Saya juga bercita-cita utk merekacipta fesyen gaun seperti tersebut...InsyaAllah.